Jennifer Fowler
Activity overview
Latest activity by Jennifer Fowler-
Jennifer Fowler created an article, Billing References
Billing References are identifiers that can be added to a background check order. At the end of the month when invoices are generated, your invoice will be sub-totaled by billing reference allowing...
Jennifer Fowler created an article, Reports - How to Export Applicant Lists
The Reports feature will generate a spreadsheet of all applicants including archived and inactive or other filters as needed. Create a Report Step 1: Select Reports Step 2: Select Filters Note: Th...
Jennifer Fowler created an article, Imports - How to bulk upload applicants
Create Import File Step 1: Go to the Imports menu and download the import template. Step 2: Complete the template The applicants' first name, last name, date of birth, SSN, email address, state...
Jennifer Fowler created an article, Email Notifications
Manage Email Notifications Email notifications can be configured per user. Set Up Step 1: Go to Settings Step 2: Select User Administration & click pencil icon for the user Step 3: Enable t...
Jennifer Fowler created an article, View Child Safety Training Results
View Training Results The results of completed training can be found in your Child Safety Training menu. The filter defaults to a new default ‘All’ view but you can also filter by just Pending, Co...
Jennifer Fowler created an article, Login
Login Once your user has been added to your organization’s account, you will be sent an email to create the password. The link will only be available for 48 hours. If you find the link has expir...
Jennifer Fowler created an article, Verity User Guide
The Verity User Guide can also be accessed through the link on the Home page. Verity User Guide
Jennifer Fowler created an article, How do I get a copy of my invoice?
Invoices If you are logged into the Protect Youth Sports site (Verity), you are able to view your account's invoices. If you do not have access to Verity, you can contact our Billing Department to ...
Jennifer Fowler created an article, How to Create Departments and Positions
Departments and Positions (Bundle 4 only) Departments and Positions allow you to manage the people within your organization. You can use 'Departments' to group or segment applicants by location, ca...
Jennifer Fowler created an article, Pipeline
Pipeline Pipeline is available to Bundle 2 and higher The Pipeline feature in Ministry Mobilizer allows the organization to manage applicants and perform certain actions in bulk. When you first c...