How do I order Child Safety Training for my Volunteers? 

The Child Safety Training is only available with Bundle 1 and higher.

There are a few ways to order Child Safety Training; before ordering a background check, while ordering a background check, or after ordering a background check.


Order Child Safety Training for New Applicants:

To send out the Training link to your applicants before ordering a background check:

  • Select the Child Safety Training menu
  • Click + Training

    Screenshot 2023-09-27 at 5.41.28 AM.pngScreenshot 2023-09-27 at 5.41.49 AM.png

  • You will need to enter the applicant's first name, last name, date of birth, and email address. Date of birth is optional, but helpful with common names.
  • Click 'Next'.
  • Select the version of Training needed.
  • Click 'Order' and the email will be sent to your applicant.

Note: If you have the Bundle 2 or higher subscription, this will create a new entry inside your Pipeline


Order Child Safety Training with the background check:

While ordering your background check, you will have the option to order Child Safety Training also.

  • Choose the version of Training after selecting the background check package:

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Order Child Safety Training for existing applicants:

If you've already ordered a background check on your applicant, or if you have the applicant in your Pipeline, you can still order training:

  • Click on the small gray box to the left of the applicant's name.
  • Select "Email Training Invite" option above the applicants list.

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  • Select the version of Child Safety Training needed.
  • Click "Order"Screenshot 2023-09-27 at 5.56.06 AM.png



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