Ordering Child Safety Training

There are a few ways to send out the Child Safety Training; before ordering a background check, while ordering a background check, or after ordering a background check

  1. Send the Training Out to New Applicants
  2. Send out the Training while ordering the background check
  3. Sending the Training out to existing applicants
  4. Through the Pipeline > + Order >Child Safety Training

Send the Training Out to New Applicants:

You can send out the Training link to your applicants before ordering a background check.

  • Click on the Child Safety Training menu.
  • Click + Training

    Screenshot 2023-09-26 at 7.22.00 PM.png

  • In the New Applicant Detail page, you will need to enter in the applicant's first name, last name, date of birth (optional), and email address. Using a DOB is helpful with common names.
  • Click the Next button.
  • You will then select the version of Training you want the applicant to complete.

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  • Employee - An extended version of the Child Safety Training
    • The employee version has added lessons about policies and training on how to prevent child abuse.
  • Spanish - The Spanish translated version of the Employee Training.
  • Volunteer - The default version of the Child Safety Training. 

Note: If you have the Bundle 2 or higher subscription, this will create a new entry inside your Pipeline


Send out the Training while ordering the background check:

While ordering your background check, you will have the option of sending out the Child Safety Training at the same time. 

  • Choose the type of Training to send out to your applicant after choosing the background check package to order.
  • Once you click the "Order" button on the Summary page, the Training email will be sent.

Sending the Training to existing applicants:

If you've already ordered a background check on your applicant, or if you have the applicant in your Pipeline, you can still send out the training.

  • Click on the small gray box to the left side of the applicant's name.
  • Click the "Email Training Invite" option above the applicant names.
  • Choose the version of Training needed.
  • Click the "Order" button

Through the Pipeline > + Order

If you have access to the Pipeline (Bundle 2 and higher), you can click + Order from the Pipeline menu. 

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  • Click "Child Safety Training"
  • You will be taken to a page to enter in the applicant's first name, last name, and email address.
    • Date of Birth is an additional field, but it is not required.
  • Click Next 
  • Select the version of the Training for your applicant.
  • Click Order.


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