
Stages are used to organize applicants within your account or to manage workflows.

Default Stages

Bundle 2 has default stages: All, Unassigned, New and Archive


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These are the Stages in the Pipeline that you are not able to rename:

  • All -  You can view all of your applicants –this shows you an overview of where everyone is in your process. 

  • Unassigned - These are candidates that have applied through the Online Consent Form and have not yet been assigned to a stage.

  • New -  These are candidates who have been manually entered into your Pipeline. If you have sent them the Online Consent Form, and they've completed it, their stage will change from New to Unassigned

  • Archive - There is not a way to delete an applicant completely, but you can move them to the Archive. But, there are different ways to use the Archive stage. It is up to you to decide what works best for your organization. 

Rename Stages: 

Bundles 3 and 4 can rename Stages 1-6


Step 1: Go to Settings

Settings with MB color.png


Step 2: Select Stages




Step 3: Click the pencil icon to edit each stage


Step 4: Rename the stage (24 character limit) and save

Screenshot 2023-09-29 at 7.37.08 PM.png

Assign Applicants to Stages

Applicants are assigned to the default stages in the Pipeline for Bundle 2 but Bundles 3 and 4 can assign applicants to their custom stages.

Step 1: Click on the small gray box to the left of your applicant's name

Step 2: Select the "Change Stage" option above the applicant names

Step 3: Select the stage for your applicant
Screenshot 2023-09-25 at 7.02.47 PM.png


Note: You cannot place an applicant in more than one Stage at a time. 

Note - You are able to choose multiple applicants and mass move them into a Stage




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