Creating a Position

When you have a department created, you must have at least one position to go with it. The position is a sub-category. For example, if the department is Baseball, the position could be Coach or Player. The position is a subcategory of the department. 


Create a Position

  • Click on the Settings icon in the top right.
  • Select the "Positions" menu.
  • Click + New Position 

    Screenshot 2023-09-25 at 7.47.00 PM.png


Screenshot 2023-09-25 at 7.49.24 PM.png

  • Name - The name of the Position 255-character limit
  • Description - Description that explains the details of this Position. This Description will only appear when your applicants go through the Opportunities link.
  • Department - The Department that this Position is assigned to.
  • Form - The Form that is assigned to this Position.
  • Requirements/ Other Requirements - Check the Requirements and Other Requirements for the Position
    • These requirements will NOT automatically order a background check. They are simply designed as a reminder during the process of moving the applicants through the Pipeline.
  • Additional Requirements - These will be any other requirements that are not listed as checkboxes. 
  • Notify Emails - If you wish to have external emails notified when an application is received for a particular position that are not affiliated with a user on your account, enter those here.
    • Separate multiple emails with a comma or semicolon.
  • Place Before - Positions will appear in the default order in which they were created. To re-order the positions, use the "Place Before" drop-down menu.
  • Show - There is not a way to delete a Position. If you no longer need a Position to be listed through the Opportunities Link, uncheck the "Show" option at the top.



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