Imports - How to bulk upload applicants

Create Import File

Step 1: Go to the Imports menu and download the import template.



Step 2: Complete the template

  • The applicants' first name, last name, date of birth, SSN, email address, state, and the type of background check are required fields but adding middle name and complete address, when possible, is preferred.
  • If ordering the background check with the import, be sure to enter the type of background check you would like to order for all applicants. If you need the Plus package, please specify the State or the County and State desired. It must be the same for all applicants on the same spreadsheet. 
  • Billing references are optional, and you can use different billing references within the same spreadsheet.
  • If you need different packages for different applicants, please create a separate spreadsheet for each group of applicants and the package needed.

Note: There is a 30-applicant minimum for imports. 

Step 3: Click + Bulk Import button.

You must complete the FCRA Client Certification.

PYS FCRA Certification Statement.png


Step 4: Drag and Drop or Import File

Import Drag and Drop File.png


Step 5: Import Success 

Once the file is imported successfully, notification is sent to our customer service team to process your import. Applicants will not appear in your account until this process is complete. Please allow 24-72 business hours.

Import Success Notice.png


Step 6: File Import View will show the file you uploaded until our customer service team removes the file after completing the import. Once the applicants have been imported, you can proceed with ordering background checks, training or sending out the consent form. If you have directed our customer service team to order the background check, do not re-order or you will be charged twice.

View of Import File.png

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