Creating a New Form

Create a New Form

The Bundle 4 subscription allows you to add additional Forms. You can add Custom Questions onto these forms if you need to ask different questions for each Position. 


Step 1:  Click Settings

Settings with MB color.png


Step 2: Select the "Forms" menu and Click + New Form

forms revised with MB colors.png


Step 3: Customize Your Form

Creating new forms with MB colors.png

  • Form Name - Name of the Form
    • Your applicants will not be able to see the name of the Form
  • Authorization Required - You are able to turn off Authorization, which will remove the Disclosure and Authorization for a background check. If Authorization is turned off, you are able to edit which applicant data fields are required. 
    • Note: You will not be able to order a background check on applicants if Authorization is not collected
  • English Disclosure Text - We have provided you with default language but please consult with your legal counsel when editing this text. 
  • English Authorization Text - We have provided you with default authorization text but please check with your legal counsel. This will be the text your applicants see when giving their consent to the background check. 
    • Note: Our text has been approved by our legal team. You may want to contact your legal team to make sure that any changes you make are compliant.
    • Note: If you would like your applicants to have the option to view our default form in Spanish please contact

Applicant Information & Stock Questions

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If authorization is required, Name, Other Names Used, Address, SSN, Date of Birth, and Email are required fields. All other fields are optional for you to collect.

If authorization is not required, only the Name and Date of Birth will be required. You can choose which data points to collect.

  • Name - Requires the applicants to enter their full name.
    • This option cannot be disabled.
  • Other names used- Allows applicants to enter alias names.
  • Address - Requires the applicants to enter in an address.
    • Applicants will be asked to supply 7 years of address history. 
  • SSN - Requires the applicants to enter their Social Security Number.
  • Date of Birth - Requires applicants to enter their date of birth.
    • This option cannot be disabled.
  • Phone Number - Requires applicants to enter their phone number.
  • Email - Requires applicants to enter their email address and to confirm the email address.
  • Require Drivers License - Requires the applicant to enter their Driver's License number and Driver's License state.
    • This is not enabled by default.
  • Gender - Requires applicants to choose their gender.
  • Ethnicity - Requires applicants to choose their Ethnicity.

Next to the Applicant Information checkboxes will be another set of checkboxes. These are pre-populated questions that you can add onto your Online Forms.

  • Ask Education Questions? - Asks applicants to list their highest academic information.
    • If ordering the Education Verification, this information will automatically populate the Education Verification order screen.
  • Ask Employment Questions? - Asks applicants to list previous employment information or indicate if they have been retired for at least 5 years.
    • If ordering the Employment Verification, this information will populate the Employment Verification order screen. 
  • Ask Volunteer Questions? - Applicant is asked to provide a list of organizations where they have volunteered. 
  • Ask DMV Questions? - Applicants are asked if they've had any traffic violations or accidents.
  • Ask Children Questions? - Applicants are asked if they've had anything in their past or present that would prohibit them from working with children and/or students.
  • Ask Custom Stock Questions? - Applicants are presented with your 'Custom Stock Questions'  in addition to any Custom Questions created specifically for this form.

Preview Your Form

Use the Preview option to view your form. Click the "Next" button to preview additional sections. 

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